The #1 Association for Subs, Suppliers, and Service Providers
Dedicated to Improving Your Business
By focusing solely on the needs of subcontractors and suppliers, we’re able to affect changes that directly impact your bottom line.
Subcontractors provide more than 85% of the work in construction projects across the U.S. ASA-OK provides information, resources, education opportunities, and networking to help you run your business more profitably.
Membership Benefits
We are the unified voice for subcontractors at the local, state, and federal levels. We fight for legislation that improves your bottom line and against legislation that hurts your business.
Connect with others in the industry who understand your challenges and can help you tackle issues we all face. Plus, we’re just a fun group of people to hang around!
Our monthly member meetings address high-impact topics related to your business. From business basics to subcontracting specifics, we cover the hot topics that matter to you.
What Our Members Are Saying:
Legislative Updates
Your Lien Rights on the Line
ASA-OK joined forces with ASA National to file an appeal with the Oklahoma Supreme Court of what we believed to be an erroneous ruling from a trial court related to a contractor waiving a subcontractor’s lien rights.
If this ruling was allowed to stand, it would have fundamentally changed the current process of lien rights protection of subcontractors and suppliers in Oklahoma.
On November 16, 2021, the Oklahoma Supreme Court held that a subcontractor’s statutory right to waive its lien rights may not be exercised by anyone other than the subcontractor.
This was a HUGE victory for subcontractors across the state!
However, the case is a pressing reminder to carefully review all of your contracts, especially language that pertains to your essential lien rights.
Click the button below to read the full press release from ASA National about the case.
HB 1855
House Bill 1885 provides an in-state preference for bid selection. However, the bill does require specific verbiage to be included in your bid documents.
Click the button below to download a pdf with sample language that you can include in your bids or that you can show to your GCs or CMS to include in their bid docs.
HB 1114
If a construction contract or subcontract is subject to a bond pursuant to Title 61 and when the work of the contractor or subcontractor has been determined by the holder to be at least fifty percent (50%) complete, and with respect to the balance of the work to be performed by the contractor or subcontractor, the retainage amount shall be two and one-half percent (2.5%).
Say “Hey!” to a Long-Time Member
Doug Yarholar
Doug is the President and Operations Manager of Metal Roof Contractors in Edmond, OK. MRC is one of the original members of ASA-OK. MRC is a premier roofing company that services all throughout the State of Oklahoma. If your roof needs some TLC, call MRC!
Recently, Doug and his family have had amazing news! His daughter, Audra, has recently completed chemotherapy treatments for Leukemia and rang the bell! Congratulations from all of us here at ASA-OK!
Get in touch with Doug:
Cell: 405-359-6111
Email: doug@metalroofcontractors.com
Website: metalroofcontractorsok.com