Get In Touch
+ How much is does ASA-OK membership cost?
Our annual fee is $1,500. Our fiscal year is July 1st through June 30th, so new members who join mid-year will have their annual dues adjusted accordingly.
+ Can more than one person from my company attend meetings?
Yes, your membership is a “company membership.” Anyone from your company is able to attend all meetings and events in both Oklahoma City, Tulsa, or elsewhere.
+ When are your meetings?
The OKC chapter meets the third Wednesday of the month and Tulsa meets the fourth Wednesday of the month, excluding March, June, and December. Most of our meetings are over the lunch hour, from 11:30 to 1:15.
+ When are your events?
Our events are spread througout the year and are often hosted in the afternoon or evening. We host two all-day golf events, one in the spring (Tulsa) and one in Fall (OKC).